eBook (Epub 2)
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The Power of Rituals

Editorial: Planeta
Tema: Autoajuda

Sinopse de The Power of Rituals:

Have you ever thought how small gestures in your daily life can bring a big transformation to your life? Tâmara Castelo explains how. First of all, through a simple test, we will identify your biotype - associated with your metabolism and personality traits - in order to make a personalized plan, which includes the appropriate rituals to rebalance sleep, manage stress and anxiety, the foods that regulate and deregulate each biotype, and practical and delicious recipes. Practicing gratitude, drinking tea, yawning, lighting a candle, applying an essential oil to your pillow to help you sleep better, taking a bath to get rid of anxiety, massaging strategic points in your body, painting mandalas, massaging your head, learning to breathe consciously, are some of the many rituals and exercises you will find in these pages. We all have daily rituals, such as drinking coffee in the morning. But not always these gestures are beneficial to our well-being. Tâmara Castelo

shows you in this book how these small and simple rituals in your daily life will make you live your life in a lighter, more balanced and happier way. This book takes you on a life-changing journey. A journey of liberation to improve your physical and emotional health. To free yourself from stress, fear, fatigue, anxiety, sleepless nights, and toxic overthinking.

eBook (Epub 2)
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a autora The Power of Rituals


Quando falamos sobre Medicina Tradicional Chinesa e Homeopatia, Tâmara Castelo é um nome de referência nestas áreas. Nasceu em 1984, no seio de uma família numerosa e multicultural, que desde sempre lhe incutiu o gosto para descobrir o mundo e conhecer muito para além do que os livros nos ensinam. Estudou na Escola Superior de Medicina Chinesa e mais tarde mudou-se para a China para aprofundar os seus conhecimentos em Medicina...

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Ficha técnica

Data de publicação: 11/07/2022 | Idioma: Inglés | ISBN: 978-989-777-610-6 | Código: 10307256 | Apresentação: Epub 2 | Coleção: PLANETA PORTUGAL | Sentido de leitura: Occidental

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